2010년 12월 16일 목요일

Spicy Chicken Gizzards – 매운 닭똥집 볶음

I started this recipe a couple weeks ago, but never had the time to finish up the post. I’ll attempt to finish it now from my memory. =P



I’m reusing the pictures from my older post on Fried Chicken Gizzards because I completely forgot to take pictures during this stage. Basically, cut your gizzards up wash in some flour/salt and then boil it for about 10 minutes to rid of all impurities.


Meanwhile, get your sauce mixture ready. 1TB red pepper powder, 1TB red pepper paste, 1TSP sesame oil, 1/2TSP sugar, 1TSP soy sauce, and a handful of green onions.


After the chicken is done boiling, add the sauce mixture to it and mix well.


Let it sit for about 15 minutes to allow the flavors to coat the gizzards.


Then throw everything onto a hot pan with some garlic cloves and onions and you’re ready to serve! Enjoy~

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