2010년 12월 16일 목요일

Choong Chun Dak Galbi - (Restaurant Review)

A couple of weeks ago, nine women met up for some dak galbi at Choong Chun Dak Galbi in K-town. I know this place has been around for some time, but if you haven’t tried it yet – you should try it at least once. It’s not mind-blowing by any means, but it’s one of those restaurants I say you should try at least once.


Anyhow, the reason I posted this picture up is because I plan on replicating this soon. I have chicken breasts in the freezer along with some cabbage that I need to use up soon…Hmmm, let’s see.

Things I have in the fridge already:

chicken breasts – check!

cabbage – check!

dduk – check!

sweet potatoes – check!

onions – check!

jalapenos – check!

mushrooms – check!

Okay, this is dinner today for sure. =P

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