2010년 12월 16일 목요일

Spicy Chicken BBQ – Dak Galbi – 닭 갈비

I had all the ingredients for Dak Galbi conveniently on hand, so I decided to give it a go tonight. I was going to save this post for later, but decided what the heck - I’ve been on a blogging binge eh? =P

Ingredients Needed:

  • 2 small chicken breasts - I buy the thin breast filets at Ralphs and saran wrap each individual breast and store them in bags in the freezer – I will take a picture one day.
  • 1/2 onion – you can use a whole onion, I just had half an onion lying around. =)
  • 1 small sweet potato
  • 1 CUP of dduk
  • handful of mushrooms
  • 1 jalapeno
  • handful of garlic cloves
  • handful of chopped green onions
  • 1 CUP of noodles (optional)
  • sauce mixture: 1/2 CAN of chicken broth (save the leftover broth for later), 2 TB soy sauce, 1 TB minced garlic, 2 TB red pepper powder, 2 TB gochujang, 1 TB honey powder (or substitute with sugar), 1 TB rice wine(purely optional), 2 TB ketchup



I had an old bag of jjol-myun lurking in my cupboards, so I decided to use it up for this recipe. If you don’t have noodles, no worries. Just skip this part. I like boiling my noodles separately so that I can wash the starch away before adding it into the main meal. You can totally just add the uncooked noodles straight to the dak galbi if you want though. No biggie.



Next, ready your veggies and dduk. I used 1 small sweet potato, 1/2 onion, 1 large mushroom, handful of garlic cloves, 1/2 head of cabbage, and a cupful of dduk. Feel free to add any other veggies you might have such as carrots or squash.


In a small bowl mix together the following:

  • 1/2 CAN of chicken broth (save the leftover broth for later)
  • 2 TB soy sauce
  • 1 TB minced garlic
  • 2 TB red pepper powder
  • 2 TB red pepper paste (gochujang)
  • 1 TB honey powder (or substitute with sugar)
  • 1 TB rice wine (purely optional)
  • 2 TB ketchup

If you have any questions about any of the ingredients, please take a look at KOREAN COOKING 101. I often get questions about certain recipe ingredients, and if I don’t reply (sorry!) – it’s probably already on Korean Cooking 101. =P


First add the sauce and veggies into a pot (I have a jungol pot, but I was too lazy to bring it out today) and let it cook for a little bit.


Add your cut up chicken breasts next and then mix everything thoroughly.


Meanwhile, cut up a jalapeno and throw it in there as well with some green onions.


At this point, I poured in more chicken broth. I probably could have gotten away with only a little more, but I hate wasting things so I poured in the rest of the can. =P It was probably a bit too much, but oh wells. Anyhow, at this point throw in your noodles! Your noodles are already cooked, so just let everything simmer together for about five minutes and you’re ready to serve.




Voila~ The MR and Munchkin both devoured this tonight and it was a nice change from our normal routine. I hope you enjoy it as well! Whew, I’ve been on a posting rampage today.

It must be time for another scan soon. ;)

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