2010년 7월 17일 토요일

Asian Style Potato Corn Salad - (감자 샐래드)

Almost every Saturday the MR, Munchkin and I head to the local farmer's market. Today, I saw that the yellow corn looked particularly fresh so I made sure to grab some.

I bought four ears of corn and steamed them. Munchkin promptly polished off three all by himself. =P

Wash and peel 3 small white potatoes.

Quarter them like this...

And add it to some boiling water. Let it boil for about 20 minutes or so until they are soft.

Grab a masher and start mashing! I didn't measure today (too busy), but I added about 6-8 TB of mayonnaise (maybe more).

Speaking of mayonnaise, this is the BEST when making this salad.

I then took the lone leftover corn and cut it up like so.

Mix everything together!

Throw in some parsley (roughly 2 TB).

And you're ready to serve!

You can eat as a side dish at the table OR you can use it in a sandwich. I made both the MR and Munchkin a corn/potato sandwich (cut off the crusts!) and they ate it all very quickly! That's all! More updates will be coming this week.

I will be making a clear ojinguh gook tomorrow along with a spicy shrimp main dish. Stay tuned!

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