2010년 2월 17일 수요일

Spicy Crab Soup - (꽃게탕)

I made this over the weekend, but I've been lazy to put it up. Like always, there are a variety of ways to make this dish, but I tend to cheat and buy the marinated crab at the K-markets. Why? Because it's already fully seasoned and all CLEAN and cut - bottom line, it saves me a lot of time.

I would say this is roughly about 1 lb. of spicy crab. When the K-market has fresh ggot-gae (crab) in the future, I'll buy it and show you how to make this at home as well. I don't like the frozen ones...


I had already washed and cleaned my veggies the prior night. This about 1/4 onion, 2 small red peppers, 1 green pepper, and 1/2 cup of sliced up daikon radish (moo).


In a pot, add about 3/4 TB minced garlic, 1/2 TB red pepper powder, 3/4 TB sesame oil and 2 TB gook ganjang.

First throw in the moo and saute it a bit.


Then add 3 cups of water and bring it to a boil.


Add about 1/2 TB of dwenjang and 1 TB of gochu-jang to the boiling water....


Then throw in all the crabs and bring to a boil again.


Throw in the onions, green onions, and dae-pa (large green onions).


Throw in the green and red peppers...


Let everything continue to boil for a bit...


Throw in some tofu! At this point you can add squash, mushrooms, kongnamool, soot-gat or any other vegetable you want to add. I didn't have any of those (time to go the market again!) so I made mine simple.


Continue to boil for just a little bit longer and you're ready to serve! Enjoy with a nice hot bowl of rice.

As always, if there are any questions regarding ingredients and brands...be sure to check out my
Korean Cooking 101 section!

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